"Ask for help, not because you are weak. But because you want to remain strong!" Les Brown
Frequently Asked Questions
Maybe some of these questions and answers could help you?
What can counselling do for me?
Counselling sessions can help you to gain clarity on an issue, change old patterns, untangle complex personal issues, or embark on a journey of self-development
What type of person can go to counselling?
There are no barriers regarding whom counselling can assist. I will welcome you, regardless of your culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or employment group without judgement
Do I have to come for a fixed amount of time?
The length of your sessions with me will very much depend on your unique circumstances and needs, I usually recommend to start with six sessions, we would have a review of whether you feel it is right for you and you are entitled to continue for as long as you feel you need.
Baring in mind that once you start in therapy, new issues and perspectives can arise you perhaps might not have considered, that you then want to explore. It is of course possible to also see improvement faster than you expected.
My partner / friend / parent needs therapy, can I refer them to you directly?
You may be very concerned about someone's wellbeing and would like to see them have counselling. But it really is best if the person in question can reach out for support themselves. Feel free to share contact details with them, in a supportive manner, but please try to remember it is their journey and they may decide it isn't the right time for them